Note: Cash & Credit Cards are accepted for Admission and Concession. Credit card service fee added.
Headlights & taillights must be kept off once parked in spot. If you have a newer vehicle make sure you know how to disable your lights while parked with the engine off or on.
In order for everyone to have an enjoyable drive-in experience, we have just a few rules:
- Speed limit is 5 mph on the property. Drive Slowly and Carefully keeping a extra watchful eye out for children.
- Remind the kids not to run between cars or in the aisles. Tell them if they get lost to go to the concession stand and ask only a clerk for assistance. We’re happy to help.
- Chairs and blankets should be placed directly in front of your vehicle and not blocking the area between your vehicle and your neighbors.
- Please don’t litter. Someone could trip or slip on what was dropped. You will find plenty of trash receptacles around the concession stand.
- No one is to be on the roof of their vehicle at any time.
- As of now, dogs are permitted as long as they are not aggressive or make a mess, or becomes a distraction for people trying to enjoy the movies. Owners are required to clean up after their dogs if needed and may be asked to leave without a refund if problems occur.
- Absolutely NO alcoholic beverages or drugs allowed on the property. Neither contribute to a family atmosphere.
- MAKE FRIENDS ! If you get the opportunity shake the hands of your neighbor and make a friend.